The Big Wadge is a collection of insane ramblings and cultural musings from writer Peter Davidson. A collection of art. poetry, comedy and music that has tickled his fancy or disturbed his dreams.
You go home. Adrenaline slowly makes its way out of your system, Your tired bones a constant reminder, Your face still flushed from blushing, A whir of words and gestures Executed as best you could, the recall, the replay, the pleasantries, the lies. False love on a lit stage. In those moments you said and gave all you could And still rang false. The phone buzzes silently in your top pocket You go home. As momentum seeps from every pore.
Met last week with a number of the people behind BBC Comedy Extra website. This was one of the clips they didn't show us but one that would slightly highlight what I'd like to try and achieve. Short sharp shocks with a nice visual tiwst.
Sesame Street celebrated it's 40th birthday and rather than party on down with nostalgic songs and ageist digs they partied hard with these google links. Corporate tie-ins have never looked more fun. The highlight of dull days on the internet.
The boy with the thorn in his side Behind the hatred there lies A murderous desire for love How can they look into my eyes And still they don't believe me ? How can they hear me say those words Still they don't believe me ? And if they don't believe me now Will they ever believe me ? And if they don't believe me now Will they ever, they ever, believe me ? Oh ...
The boy with the thorn in his side Behind the hatred there lies A plundering desire for love How can they see the Love in our eyes And still they don't believe us ? And after all this time They don't want to believe us And if they don't believe us now Will they ever believe us ? And when you want to Live How do you start ? Where do you go ? Who do you need to know ?
Okay, actually this may be the best thing ever. Thinking of doing a LTC version of this but to be honest I don't think it'd ever be as good as the real thing.
And now for a bit of Tuesday Art. Treat this as a nice cleansing sorbe of culture to wash away the fizzy pop of arty news. Something like that. Or just look at the cool pic of Gauguin beside his famous yellow christ pic. Matt Greoning owes him some money.
First new sketch work since Edinburgh and the start of a series of lil sketches filmed and edited that'll make up a new 'McGuffin.' This one shouldn't take two years to complete though. Part two of this sketch to be online soon.
Sorry, haven't updated this in quite sometime... but now I'm back and to celebrate it here is a quality image of a floppy Jarvis. His new album isn't quite as good as Jarvis' 'Jarvis' album but add the visuals of him flopping all around the place and suddenly everything is good with the world again).
Monday is Lichtenstein day. His bright colours and comic book imagery is about all I can fully take at this time of the morning. Probably by the time it comes to midday we'll be into Francis Bacon and his screaming face images.
Now this sort of thing usually wouldn't be my cup of tea (have an aversion to high pitched dublin knackers at the best of times, mixed with a deeper hatred of Northern Ireland and Norn iron humour)... but must admit that the whole 'dur dee lur dee dur de dur dee situation' thing is priceless.
This popped up on my mp3 player recently and brought back a tonne of memories. Ah, the Foo's. Back in the day, jumpers for goal posts, rubicks cubes, three day weeks etc... Nostalgia.
"I just kind of died for you, you just kind of stared at me."
Following on from the Quinnsworth debacle (see below for awesomeness) we now have a greta clip of Darth Vader being an arse. Darth vader, dick vader more like!
**I really must stop playing Lego Star Wars on the Wii though. This isn't healthy.
A reminder of the joys of communal sharing. The fact that they reference someone called Peter is just a little bit of a coincidence. Swear. It just drew me to these particular entries.
A fine cover of 'To Love Somebody' now comes complete with added Rice and Ray. This mix is what most chip shops would call "fay indie half and half." Oh and just checking of Colleen is checking up on these new updates, if so hello Colleen!
Following Saturday nights new Python documentary 'Almost the truth' (in which shock revelations emerged like they didn't quite all get on, except when they were all getting on)I was reminded of this classic 'Not the Nine O'Clock news' sketch. A nice treat from the glory days when Rowan Atkinson was funny and Pamela Stephenson wasn't busy hocking books about her husband's abusive childhood. Enjoy!
A selection of the work of Wassily Kandinsky, a fine artist and owner of an even greater first name. You just don't meet that many Wassilys growing up these days, not even in Galliagh.
Roller coasters. They're not all just 'final destination' style fun. Occasionally people take the opportunity to really enjoy the unique photo opportunities that present themselves whilst hurtling round corners and dips at 100mph. To those about to arse about... we salute you.
I want to kill this man but he turned around and ran. I'll kill him with karate that I learned in Japan. He wouldn't see my face. I wouldn't leave a trace. I wouldn't use a bullet cause a bullet's a disgrace.
Aw, mom, I never thought that I was a murdering man But tonight I'm on my way.
There's this drawer that I know in a house up the road That's full of things that are easily sold. When they go out of town I could go and snoop around And make myself rich off the things that I found.
Aw, mom, I never thought that I was a stealing man But tonight I'm on my way.
I was sitting on the bleacher staring at the speaker, Reading his lips but I could not understand. So I opened up my ears and clearly I could hear This detailed story all about a grain of sand.
Aw, mom, I always dreamt of being a good listener So tonight I'm on my way.
There's this kid you gotta meet. He lives across the street. He's got spirit and heart. We're ten years apart. He is up for anything. He can hang with anyone. He still likes the things we used to think were fun.
Aw, mom, I never thought that I could have a friend But tonight I'm on my way.
I'm in love with someone who's as pretty as a flower. Her life give me power so I'm buyin' her a ring. She makes hats with her hands. She is such an artist. I'm her biggest fan and I'm teaching her to sing
Aw, mom, I never thought that I could love no one But tonight I'm on my way.
Every time I think I'm over gushing about the work of Pixar they turn around and produce something like this short. After watching it you will agree that every gushing sentiment is more than justified. 'Partly Cloudy' is one of the funniest, sweetest shorts I've seen in a long time and it's also based on a great little idea. It's one indie soundtrack away from pure perfection.
Train tracks track past, Past moments of my life. My life and times recreated In every fibre of this vehicle. Hurtling forward yet travelling backwards Battling to break the static state created by the two, developed by myself And encouraged by my peers. My fears won't hold me back.
By now the whole Kanye West / Taylor Swift thing has run it's cultural gamut. Bet you though it still pops up in the latest 'date movie / epic movie/ pop culture abortions.' So on the end of that tide I present a few handpicked meme's from this great award show dick fest.
Sometimes days can pass Without a single message of import Parting your lips And enriching the air. Swallowed instead by frippery, Devoured by a monitor's glare, Bouncing echo-lessly Around empty conversations. Vowels stretched to a whisper, Emotions deadened by text. The heart may sing But the head deadens It's song And words words words Continue And go on and on And on.
Excellent clip from 'Funny or Die' building on a growing trend of re-subtitling one of the best scenes from the movie 'Downfall.' I wasn't aware of this phenomenon but it's hard to see how any version of it will out do this one.
'Shooting Stars' has returned to TV. Amidst it's surreal brilliance is still that feeling that nostalgia may not be enough to kick it into it's former glory. Having said that though; TV is always the better for giving Vic Reeves another chance to peddle his unique wares, as these sketches of his attest to.
After a month in Edinburgh you have to slowly ween yourself off the festival. The best way to do this is slow releases and snippets of edinburgh related thingamajigs. Here are The Penny Dreadful's being interviewed back in 2008.
So I'm back from Edinburgh and back posting on the blog. I also have a brand new beard, which is the envy of many a naked faced individual. So I thought I would post this great little song by 'Iron & Wine' and also remind my self by watching the lead singer that yo should never let beards go too far.
This song once gave me a great idea for a movie script. Need to get back to it at some time, wrote over forty pages of it before two years ago. Hmmm...
Hey look! It's a baby! And it's got a beer! It's a rites of passage for any child. Hand them a beer and take a photo. Heroin babies, not that funny though.
Greg Mottola, the writer and director of this film, has gone on to bigger things with Superbad, Adventureland and his next film with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost which is currently filming. Though I can't help but think fondly back to Liev Schrieber's author in 'Daytrippers.'
Empire do a weekly photo shop film poster mash up on various subjects. Dear God can it be hit and miss, with added miss, but obviously these ones took my fancy. Even though they were listed under 'Muppet mash up' and technically Sesame street isn't the muppets even though it features many muppet puppets. Some people just don't understand.
I still haven't gotten round to watching 'There will be blood.' As much as I love PT Anderson and a reinvention of the language of cinema I still feel it's one I have to build to. But in the meantime we can all enjoy one of my favourite scenes from 'Punch Drunk Love.' Heart breaking, funny, odd, brilliantly filmed and Adam Sandler's acting is fantastic.
Taken from "The View" special featuring Neil Hannon and Duke Special... Here Duke covers one of the great underrated Divine Comedy songs from 'Regeneration.' It perfectly suits his style and is a great performance.
Every pupil in the classroom will answer the same if you ask them Every mouth shout the message out as one Every girl weeps like the willow, every boy cries into his pillow Every tear disappears in the morning sun You don't need an indie song to figure out what's going on
Tell me that I'm normal, tell me that I'm sane Tell me that you feel this too All the dreams that we have had are gonna prove that we're not mad to you
In the passing and grieving of Michael Jackson one important thing seems to have been over looked. This freaky eyed guy who helped sing Michael to his slumber.
Turns out he's not the black voldemort but actually a session singer called Darryl Phinnessee.
Ben Folds just recorded an album of university a Capella groups recording cover versions of his work. One of these is this cover of 'You Don't Know Me.' Vocally complex and interesting... but even I find it hard to get past the geek factor.
Comedian Robbie Bonham played Derry again the other night and I had the priviledge of hanging about with him, drinking diet coke and discussing various Star Trek off shoots and their merits. This is a recent posting from his facebook page.
I've been busy over the past few weeks looking for old photos and oddities to adorn the set for 'LTC' (and then we didn't use them, they kind of fell over alot). But here are some of the highlights...
Tell me all the things you would change I dont pretend to know what you want When you come around and spin my top Time and again, time and again No fire where I lit my spark I am not afraid of the dark Where your words devour my heart And put me to shame, put me to shame When your seven worlds collide Whenever I am by your side And dust from a distant sun Will shower over everyone
Here are some paintings by Marcel DuChamp, it's a change from his famous urinals and bike wheels... but sometimes you need more than urinals and bike wheels. Hmmm. Deep.